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vSphere+ and vSAN+ Subscriptions

Got VMware on Your Mind?

If you’re thinking about jumping onto the vSphere+ or vSAN+ bandwagon, there’s some stuff you gotta know about figuring out your subscription needs. Don’t sweat it, though – it’s simpler than it sounds!

The Lowdown on Subscription Stuff

Alright, so your subscription depends on how many CPU cores you’ve got in your ESXi hosts. Each core needs its own license, and the deal is you gotta buy at least 16 cores per CPU, even if you’ve got fewer cores.

Quick Math for Your Subscription

Here’s the magic formula: TotalCoresNeeded=CoresperCPU×CPUsperHost×NumberofHosts

For example:

  • Got 1 host with a CPU of 8 cores? You still need licenses for 16 cores.
  • 1 host with 2 CPUs of 8 cores each? That’s 32 cores.
  • 2 hosts, each with 2 CPUs of 8 cores? You’re looking at 64 cores.

Figuring Out What You Need

For smaller setups or if you’re not using a vCenter Server, just peek at the ‘Cores per socket’ under your host’s hardware settings. For the big leagues, VMware has a cool PowerCLI tool to help you out.

ESXi HostsCPUs per ESXi HostCores per CPUSubscription Capacity RequiredCalculation
11816Though the number of cores is 8, you must purchase minimum 16 cores per CPU on each ESXi host.
12832Though the number of cores is 8 on each CPU, you must purchase 32 cores because the minimum subscription capacity is 16 cores per CPU.
22864Though the number of cores is 8 on each CPU, you must purchase 64 cores because the minimum subscription capacity is 16 cores per CPU and there are 2 CPUs on each of the 2 ESXi hosts.
141664Subscription capacity is the total number of cores × number of CPUs × number of ESXi hosts.
112424Subscription capacity is the total number of cores × number of CPUs × number of ESXi hosts.
122448Subscription capacity is the total number of cores × number of CPUs × number of ESXi hosts.
113232Subscription capacity is the total number of cores × number of CPUs × number of ESXi hosts.
1264128Subscription capacity is the total number of cores × number of CPUs × number of ESXi hosts.

You can find the entire article here: